Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Love Hate Relationship with Macbook

Six months using a macbook, I only have one comment, it is the best laptop I have owned. Until yesterday.

When I got home and boot the macbook up, I was pleasantly greeted with the Stop Sign/ Prohibitory Sign and it went straight to the windows partition. WTF?

After searching around, I came across this article. After following all the steps, I finally gave up. So I started to backup all my files and preparing my macbook for a rebuild and cursing at the sametime how long it will take to get the laptop back where it was.

3 hours later, all files in the Drobo, I popped the OSX DVD into the drive, and started the installation process. 4 clicks later, the installation started, this can't be right I thought, where are all the options, but I didn't question it anymore as it was already installing.

About an hour later, I was at this registration screen which I clicked through, and I was presented with the OSX desktop! WHAT!! No drivers to install and everything was working! That is a good OS install, I am happy to do it all again.. well maybe..

After this experience, I just hope in another 6 months, my macbook doesn't suddenly bite the dust again, but even if it does, I know it will be easy to fix.

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