Friday, February 25, 2011

How to Tie a Clove Hitch Knot

How to Tie a Clove Hitch Knot: "
Completed clove hitch
Completed clove hitch
This is a fairly simple knot that can be useful for securing ropes to trees, posts, or other things that stand upright. With this knot, it's fairly easy to adjust the length of the rope if you need to. It can be used in lashing ropework and also in sailing, especially as a temporary way to hold things.

There are two methods suggested here. You might like to try both to see which works out best for your needs.


Method One

  1. Pick up the running end of the rope (the end that will be loose after you tie the knot). Wrap it halfway around the pole or timber.
  2. Cross the running end over the wrapped part of the rope. This will form an 'X' shape. Bring it back around the pole.
  3. Lift the 'X' part of the knot and slip the running end under this 'X' horizontally.
  4. Pull the knot tight.

Method 2[1]

  1. This is an alternative method of tying the clove hitch. A clove hitch may be tied by forming two loops and putting a pole through those two loops. This alternative technique has the limitation of having to be tied at the end of a pole. However, it is quicker to tie than the above method.
  2. Make 2 loops as shown
    Make 2 loops as shown
    Make the two loops. An easy way to remember this is to end the left loop above and right loop down.
  3. Place the right loop above the left loop
    Place the left loop over the right loop.
  4. Insert the pole into the loops. You now have a clove hitch.
  5. Pull ropes in opposite directions
    Pull in opposite directions to tighten the clove hitch.



  • Remember to first make an 'X' then pull the working end through the 'X'
  • The clove hitch is an excellent knot for starting and ending lashings.


  • This knot may jam, making it hard to untie in some situations.[2]
  • This knot may also slip, which means you should not use it to support large weights or in situations where the knot coming untied under stress could be dangerous.[3]
  • In general, this knot is not highly secure, so it is best used for temporary situations.

Things You'll Need

  • Rope or twine
  • Pole or timber

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