Friday, December 23, 2011

Ditch GoDaddy's SOPA-Loving Butt and Get a Better Web Host at a Discount [Web Hosting]

Ditch GoDaddy's SOPA-Loving Butt and Get a Better Web Host at a Discount [Web Hosting]:
If you haven't heard, the ethically questionable web host known as GoDaddy is supporting SOPA. In addition to their terrible customer service and elephant-killing CEO, GoDaddy is backing the bill that wants to cripple your internet as if it's some sort of moral obligation. That means you can't expect GoDaddy to have your back if SOPA passes. They'll just shut you down for a potential violation. (Although apparently they're already doing that.) If you didn't get around to ditching them already, there's no time like a present. Here's how you can do it an even save some money in the process. More »

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