Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sous-Vide 101: How to Cook the Most Tender and Flavorful Meat You’ve Ever Tasted [Video]

Sous-Vide 101: How to Cook the Most Tender and Flavorful Meat You’ve Ever Tasted [Video]:
Dry turkey and overcooked steaks don't have to be a staple of your holiday dinners or homemade meals. Sous-vide is a cooking method that uses immersion in hot water to cook food over long periods, low and slow, resulting in some of the most succulent and tender meat you've ever tasted, and an easy, hands-off cooking process that anyone can do. Sous-vide has gotten a bit trendy but it's for good reason. It's surprisingly easy, not nearly as fussy as it might appear, and the results speak for themselves. Here's a primer to what sous-vide cooking is, why it's incredible and you should try it, and how you can get started on the cheap. More »

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