Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Clever-folding tyvek San Francisco map, with out-of-the-way landmarks

Clever-folding tyvek San Francisco map, with out-of-the-way landmarks:

Shan sez, "Our guide/map of SF is printed on a single sheet of A3 Tyvek, and is then folded up according to a technique originally developed at Tokyo University for satellite solar panels. The bistable nature of the fold means that it can be fully opened or closed in one smooth motion, and that there is no way to fold it 'wrong.'

The places we included are a mix of overlooked gems, classic restaurants, and other things like hidden parks, games played across the city, and interesting shops and markets.

We just launched our project on Kickstarter yesterday evening, and as of today we're almost 10% funded!"

TOC Guide to SF

(Thanks, Shan!)

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