Sunday, March 4, 2012

Make: Talk 007 -- Charles Platt, Electronics Fun & Fundamentals

Make: Talk 007 -- Charles Platt, Electronics Fun & Fundamentals:


Here's the 7th episode of MAKE's podcast, Make: Talk! In each episode, I'll interview one of the makers featured in the magazine.

Our maker this week is Charles Platt. He writes the Electronics Fun and Fundamentals column in every issue of MAKE. He's also the author of the book, Make: Electronics which, in my admittedly biased opinion, is the best introductory electronics book ever written. He has a knack for clearly explaining what so many other people cannot express without using a lot of incomprehensible mumbo-jumbo.

Charles is also a science fiction author and a designer. Here's a fascinating interview with Charles about his work as the art director and graphic designer of the groundbreaking British science fiction magazine New Worlds in the 1960s and 1970s.

Charles has many talents and I am a huge fan of his.

In this episode, I also talk a bit about TED2012, which I attended this week. I was a happy to see a lot of makers on the stage, including Gregory Gage of Backyard Brains, Ayah Bdeir of littleBits, and Bre Pettis of MakerBot. Go team!

Here's are some projects Charles has written for MAKE:

Plastic Desk Set

Screen Shot 2012-03-02 At 5.19.36 Pm

Anti Dog-Bite Siren


Crystal Nightlight


Extreme Zap-a-Mole

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