Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How Many Downloads It Takes To Hit The Top 25 In Each App Store Category

How Many Downloads It Takes To Hit The Top 25 In Each App Store Category:
I’ve received a few requests for more marketing resources on this site after posting the list of app review sites, and came across a post containing some information that is useful for anyone promoting iOS apps.
Something that pretty much everyone who is releasing an app wants to know is what exactly will it take to reach the top 25 downloads within an app store category and know how much promotion is necessary – and get a better idea of an app’s potential.
This information is from a company known as Distimo that provides app store analytics and provide a good insight into the download requirements for a free or paid app to hit the top 25 in each category.
Here are a couple of the charts from the Distimo blog showing the download requirements for free and paid apps:

You can read the full post from Distimo on their blog here with more detailed breakdowns including charts for specific game categories.
While these are averages based on a sample of information – it’s always good to have a target to shoot for. It’s interesting to see the disproportions between paid and free apps in some categories.
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