Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Objectivist C: a selfish programming language

Objectivist C: a selfish programming language:
Objectivist C: a programming language wherein each object "must live for its own sake, neither sacrificing itself to others nor sacrificing others to itself."

@implementation HelloWorld

- (void)printHelloWorld
    NSString *hello = @"I am. I think. I will.";
    Printer *printer = [[Printer alloc] init];
    if (printer)
        [printer print:hello inExchangeForUSDollars:2.00];
        [printer release];
        // In Objectivist-C, objects are self-sufficient. 
        // Here, I implement string printing from scratch. 
        [self createTheUniverse];
        [self createStandardOutputDevice];
        [self print:hello];
// ...

An Introduction to Objectivist-C

(via O'Reilly Radar)

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