Thursday, July 26, 2012

Automatically Generate A RESTful Web Service Based On A Core Data Model (Ruby Gem)

Automatically Generate A RESTful Web Service Based On A Core Data Model (Ruby Gem):
I’ve mentioned a number of great tools and libraries for working with Core Data such most recently iActiveRecord a lightweight Active Record library, TICoreDataSync for syncing Core Data databases between any number of devices, and an editor with Objective-C code generation.
Here’s a Ruby gem that you point at your Core Data model by editing a simple config file (example included) and a RESTful web service is created for you based on Rack that makes a great starting point for your own files.
You can find download info and documentation on the Github repository here.
The include example is based on the AFNetworking addon AFIIncrementalStore.
A great script to start from for building web services for your Core Data.

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