Thursday, March 22, 2007

Nintendo Wii

The Nintendo Wii, what a machine... It doesn't have the best graphics, and its doesn't have the best sound, but it makes up for that in pure design innovation!

Firstly, the games are not controlled in the normal fashion of button smashing. It is controlled by the movement of the control and to move the control, you have to move the remote through the air. It also detects the speed of the control movement through the air, so depending on the game, the faster you swing the remote the faster the movement will be in game.

One thing I noticed is that the Nintendo Wii doesn't have digital sound. I didn't read up on the console much apart from the fact that swing the remote is the control. Not having digital sound didn't matter because the remote has a little speaker. In Wii Sports, the tennis game would trigger the remote make a noise every time you swing the ball. This gave the game more realism as it feels and sounds like you are actually swinging a real racket! Amazing!

I can't wait for the developers to take full advantage of the new control method of the Wii. I heard from a friend that the ninja turtle game coming out for the Wii will have new ways of using the remote. There are also combo moves in the game. It should be interesting how that translates to real life control.

I highly recommend this console as it brings a whole new level of game play not brought by any other console. It has the capability to bring the non gamers to play games. Awesome stuff!

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