Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Finally got my own place!

After 3 days of searching, finally got the contract in my hand. :)

The rental market here is insane! Basically as soon as it is advertised, it is gone by the afternoon., especially the really good places.

So my plan of attack was to go on gumtree.co.uk at 6 in the morning and write a list of all possible places I might be interested. As 8am approached, I called people to make appointments for viewings. If you like a place, and think its good, you have to take it.


The current tenant is real nice, they are offering a range of stuff for us for 40 pounds because they can't be bothered moving it, which I might as well take because I need everything she said :)

Anyway, moving in date is on the 28th of this month.

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